2011年1月31日 星期一
美男報到!張根碩與金玉彬(Kim Ok Bin)代言的服裝品牌30日公開最新宣傳照,大部分都是張根碩喔!
這個服裝品牌叫做 Codes Combine! 來看看照片和 Section TV 的訪問影片吧!
張根碩:Hello Section TV 的觀眾們,今天是否可以跟我約會呢?今天跟我約會的人可愛、美麗又有魅力!(是在說金玉彬喔)旁白:今天節目中,張根碩與金玉彬要約會,現在開始!我們在攝影棚內,他們正準備開拍。主角們張根碩與金玉彬的腿都令人忌妒又羨慕,我們現在來專心看他們的姿勢吧!
張根碩:喔,並不是這樣。我的小名是 Holy King 並不是長髮。
主持人:像這樣嗎?(POSE) 你們最想要接哪種代言?
張根碩:Suil 的代言,我狀態是永遠準備好的。
根碩:你在 Sign Pro 節目中吧?我們碰過幾次面了。你是 Kim Saeng Min 先生對嗎?
旁白:不是!我們今天的主持人是 Park Jae Min!
玉彬:不是很好耶… 就是沒有長得很好…
根碩:因為一起照相的時候,他們都說我比他們美…所以他們超猶豫的…我也有自己喜愛的男演員,他就是車勝元,我很希望能夠長得跟他一樣 man…我最愛的女明星是李英愛…
主持人:你覺得有沒有欠 Section TV 呢?
根碩:是的,Section TV 在這當中是非常重要的角色! 之所以我能在日本出片。(馬上開始感言發表) 感謝 Section TV,在此要祝福…
根碩:是的 ,我已經計畫要好好慶祝了。時間到了,我會回來找 TV Section 的,好嗎?
照片:A Koala’s Playground
影片:Youtube 的 sukkieno1
收集、翻譯:Kpopn 的 BiBi
韓國夯團「Super Junior」(簡稱SJ)的「Super Show 3」巡迴演唱會上周六、日在新加坡登場,SJ分三路前往,隊長利特、希澈率先從日本飛抵當地。他們搭車前往飯店途中,在高速公路上被粉絲搭乘的車子追撞, 造成前後共6輛車連環碰,他倆未受傷,順利登台。
他倆所屬的「SM娛樂公司」表示,SJ今天返韓,利特、希澈會去醫院檢查。「Super Show 3」台北場,預定3月12、13日在台北小巨蛋演出,2萬多張門票已售罄。
阿漾快被你們嚇死了!在你們發推特的當晚,阿漾就心神不寧的,當初你們發生車禍是多麼嚴重~希望老天好好對待你們這團阿!!半夜還在跟我們家的 Angel跟Mily討論,好險你們都沒事,不過還是去醫院檢查一下比較好^^希望要跟著他們的人,要保持車距阿,請好好守護他們!!!拜託拜託~~~
消息來源: 蘋果日報
圖片來源: 圖片上的LOGO
快要過年了!而Channel [V]也即將在過年期間推出2010年的兩大歌謠盛典給大家觀賞喔!!
以下內容來自Channel [V]官網
2/2(三) 除夕 晚上6點
2010 SBS 歌謠大賞
2010 SBS 歌謠大賞
2/4(五) 初二 晚上7點
2010 KBS 歌謠盛典
另外,還會播出2009年的KBS歌謠盛典、音樂飆榜年度頒獎演唱會讓大家回顧一下(笑),播出時間為:2010 KBS 歌謠盛典
2/7(一) 初五 晚7點
2009 KBS歌謠盛典
2/3(四) 初一 晚上7點
2010 [V] 音樂飆榜年度頒獎演唱會
最後就是日韓節目"就是愛JK"的新春特別節目,播出時間為:2009 KBS歌謠盛典
2/3(四) 初一 晚上7點
2010 [V] 音樂飆榜年度頒獎演唱會
2/4(五) 初二 晚上10點
消息、圖片來源:Channel [V]官網
NFINITE on promotional preparations, “We Got Married” couples, and future goals
Reporters of 10asia met with the seven boys of INFINITE for a fun interview in celebration of their “Before the Dawn” comeback. Check it out below!
Q. “You had a recording for MBC’s ‘Idol Star Athletics’ yesterday. How’d you do?”
Sung Jong: “We failed. Hoya-hyung could’ve done well but he was eliminated in the preliminaries.”
Hoya: “The person next to me fell, which made me to fall too.”
Sung Jong: “But we still wanted to get screen time, so we stayed behind to support everyone.”
Q.“The recording didn’t finish until early morning. What’s your schedule like after this interview?”
All: “Rehearsal.”
Q. “Were you able to rest a bit before your comeback?”
Hoya: ”No! We attended events, rehearsed, recorded, and received vocal training. It wasn’t just an empty period.”
Q. “What did you do for Christmas?”
All: “Rehearsal.”
Q. “Please introduce your album for us.”
Sung Kyu: “Our album title is ‘Evolution‘ and it literally represents our evolution. Because of that reason, there’s a higher level of personal contribution and participation in the album itself. I feel that our vocals have matured and our performance style has gotten a bit more impressive. Dong Woo and
‘Can U Smile‘ was originally a song for our debut album, but we re-recorded it to give it a finishing touch, rounding out the album to six songs. This album is important in that we have! to! succeed! no matter what!”
Q. “Why does your second album need to succeed?”
Sung Kyu: “Our CEO told us sternly that there wouldn’t be a next album for us if this album didn’t succeed.”
Q. “But he can’t be serious (laughter).”
Sung Kyu: “Haha, well of course, but we do have to work hard in order for there to be a next. If we do well, we can expand into other areas like unit promotions. There aren’t any detailed plans as of yet, but Woo Hyun could release a ballad solo, and since Hoya and Dong Woo enjoy hip hop, they might promote in that area on their own as well.
Actually, it’s not an issue of the company supporting us, but us just wanting there to be no regrets, since we don’t want to be disappointed with lackluster results.”
Woo Hyun: “We had high expectations for our first album, but none of them were met, which is why we prepared extra hard for our second album. We are expecting a bit more this time around and are of the mindset that if it doesn’t work this time, it really won’t work ever!”
Q. “INFINITE’s music is both trendy, but reflects the feel of ’90s pop. Even though your current music is great, do you ever want to pursue a different musical style?”
Sung Kyu: ”I like R&B, but my personal tastes and favorite genres can’t always fit with the group’s music. I think the dance
Q. “Do you have any tips in perfecting the choreography point from ‘Before the Dawn‘ – the scorpion dance?”
Woo Hyun: “You have to do the scorpion pose..”
Hoya: “I first taught Sung Kyu-hyung the scorpion dance and he didn’t think he could do it.”
Sung Kyu: “At the time, our CEO was watching and he immediately said, ‘Looks like we can’t do this dance because of Sung Kyu‘! Though it really hurt my pride, I had no choice but to agree because our group was really on the verge of not being able to perform it because of me.
Hoya then told me that I could do it, that what I was doing was right, and asked me to try more confidently. I rehearsed like that and finally got it. I realized that it’s important to believe in myself and know that I can do something.”
Hoya: “Honestly, anyone can do it once they’re taught it, it’s just all about keeping a straight, calm face once you pull it off. After we do the scorpion point, we all go into our own freestyles.”
Q. “What do you think about while doing your freestyles?”
Dong Woo: “Ah, freedom~”
Sung Jong: “This is my world~”
Sung Kyu: “Members like Hoya and Dong Woo, who are both great at dancing, get all excited during the freestyle.. but I just walk far away and eye around a bit before returning back to my position. I have to go straight into a high note right after the free style, so I try to catch my breath in the back.”
Dong Woo: “Hahaha, we’re all standing on the same stage but are thinking different things.”
Q. “Dong Woo has red hair, and Sung Jong is blonde. How were your hair colors decided?”
Sung Jong: “Our CEO originally wanted to dye my hair blue after we ended our ‘She’s Back‘ promotions, but he liked my current hair color and just kept it.”
Dong Woo: “I was also originally supposed to go with a wine color, then cherry, then tomato, but just went with a bright red. My eyebrows were also dyed accordingly in pink, yellow, red, and purple. Sometimes even my eyeliner would change between blue and green.”
Sung Yeol: ”Together, we’re the start and end of the sunrise and sunset. I really wanted to dye my hair too and begged, but they wouldn’t let me…”
Q. “If you could dye it, what color would you choose?”
Sung Yeol: “Something really unique, like green!”
Q. ”We heard that you’re preparing for your Japanese showcase.”
Woo Hyun: “It’s scheduled for April, and I feel that it will be extremely meaningful in that it’ll be our first international showcase. On top of that, none of us except for Hoya have visited Japan.”
L: “I have a fantasy about Japan.”
Q. “…What kind of fantasy?”
L: “Haha… why are you looking at me like that? I just meant that I heard they have a good performance and sound system, and that they do camera rehearsals a day in advance. Hopefully we’ll be able to show a better stage through that.”
Q. “Is there a member who’s participating in the swimming segment of MBC’s ‘Idol Championships’?”
Sung Yeol: “I used to be a part of the YMCA youth swim team, so I decided to go in the 50m freestyle. But honestly, even 25m is hard for me. I thought my heart was going to burst by the time I got up to 25m when I was practicing.”
Q. “The biggest variety appearance was when Sung Jong danced on top of a table on MBC’s ‘Quiz That Changes the World.’ What did you think while you were performing?”
Sung Jong:“Ha… this is my world.”
Q. “You weren’t nervous?”
Sung Jong: “Not at all. I wanted to do more, but I thought people wouldn’t like it, so I held back.”
Sung Kyu: “Our CEO once banned Sung Jong from performing girl group dances because he was afraid people would think negatively of it. He sternly told him, ‘If you dance that one more time, watch out.‘ But now that he had nothing to do on variety programs, he lifted the ban. I was shocked at first too whenever he performed them, but now I’m pretty much used to it.”
Q. “Sung Jong has a lot of aegyo and has an endearing tone. It seems like he’d be above his hyungs. As the maknae, what do you think of your hyungs?”
Sung Jong: ”Sometimes I respect-”
Sung Yeol: “Wait! He’s lying! We’re usually pretty shy so even at the ‘Idol Championships,’ we were mainly hanging out amongst ourselves… but Sung Jong went to go play with other singers. So we tried to fit in but he was like, ‘Hyungs, what’re you doing? You were sitting over there by yourselves, weren’t you?‘ Well, it’s not like he was wrong, but…”
Woo Hyun: “He even said, ‘If you have nothing to do, just follow me.’ Haha.”
Sung Jong: “No, I was just curious about what everyone else was doing (laughter). Anyway, I sometimes respect the hyungs, and I like how they always take care of me. But sometimes, I’m more mature than they are. Maybe once in a few months I am.”
Q. “It seems he grew up with a lot of love, seeing as how he’s so confident with himself.”
Sung Kyu: “One time, during our trainee days, I once told him, ‘You’re really pretty, you know.‘ He replied back in a serious tone, ‘Hyung, it’s difficult to find people like me these days.’”
Hoya: “He’s right, I was watching a music program with him one day and he said he was prettier than all the girl groups.”
Sung Kyu: “But it’s only cute because Sung Jong does it. Imagine if a kid like Hoya said something like that… that’d be so scary.”
Q. “If you were to go on ‘We Got Married,’ do you have anyone in particular you’d like to be partners with?”
Woo Hyun: “Orange Caramel. Since they have three members, they can be paired with Hoya, me, and Sung Jong.”
Q. “If you were to feature in another variety program, what concept would you like?”
Hoya: “Something like MBC’s ‘Idol Army.’ This is not because I want to work with girl groups, but because I want for us to feature in something weekly and also showcase talents like dancing, singing, and games. But I’d rather not have the recording take place in our dorms, that’d be a bit difficult.”
Q. “Do you still live in the second floor dorm?”
Sung Yeol: “Yes, our CEO said they’d move us if we got on ‘Music Bank‘’s top 10.”
Q. ”What rank were you last week?”
Sung Yeol: “21st.”
Q. “What do you want in your new apartment?”
Sung Yeol: “About three to four toilets. We’re desperate. Having seven members use only one is so uncomfortable.”
Q. “How are rooms divided?”
Dong Woo: “Much to our joy, the manager-hyungs moved downstairs a while ago. So now it’s me and L, Woo Hyun and Sung Kyu, and Hoya, Sung Yeol, and Sung Jong in one.”
Q. “Last year, the ‘Day of an Idol‘ video that Sung Yeol recorded earned much attention. Why was it shot and why is Sung Yeol the only character in it?”
Sung Yeol:“We parodied a popular video and wanted to create a headline for ourselves.”
Woo Hyun:“Sung Yeol has the most childish image. If Sung Kyu-hyung did it, it would’ve turned out to be like a documentary.”
Sung Kyu:“If I had done it with my facial expression, the video would’ve probably hit the news with the headline ‘The severe reality of idol lives‘ or ‘Do idols really live like this?‘ It fit Sung Yeol the best.”
Q. “Did you ever feel like you had succeeded since your debut?”
Sung Kyu: “Never.”
Woo Hyun:“We’re still under this pressing urge to do better so there’s no opportunity to feel anything like that.”
Hoya: “I went down to my hometown in Changwon last Chuseok and walked around in a busy mall for hours, but only six people recognized me. They were our fans, though.”
Sung Yeol: “I went to a make-up store and no one recognized me. I was kind of anticipating someone to, but they were all just doing their own thing…”
L: “Sometimes people ask if we’re celebrities when we’re wearing our stage outfits. But then we’d tell them our name, and they’d be like, ‘Never heard of that…”
Woo Hyun: “When this album promotion ends, I want to be able to walk around and hear at least, ‘Oh, isn’t that INFINITE?‘ from people around us.”
Source + Photos: 10asia via Daum (1) (2) (3)
Infinite < BTD> 歌詞
歌詞 (韓文歌詞是藍色,羅馬拼音是咖啡色,應援是紅色)
Because I listen to my heart beat one by one
Because I listen to my heart beat one by one
김성규 장동우 남우현 이호원 이성열 김명수 이성종 인피니트 (Kim SungKyu Jang DongWoo Nam Woo Hyun Lee Howon Lee SungYeol Kim MyungSoo Lee SungJong Infinite)
Because I listen to my heart heart heart to to my heart heart
Because I listen to my heart heart heart to to my heart heart
아무리 노력해도 너를 가질 수 없다면 넌 아니라더라 거지같아 不管怎樣努力 得不到你的話 沒有你的話 我就像乞丐一樣
amuri noryeokhaedo neoreul gajil su eobtdamyeon neon aniradeora geojigata
나 난 이렇게는 못놔 그게 답답해.. 그게 막막해.. 我 我 就是這樣放不下 那樣的鬱悶 那樣的迷惘
na nan ireokeneun motnwa geuge dabdab hae.. geuge makmakhae..
Why Why … Why Why … Why Why …
Why Why … Why Why … Why Why …
Before the dawn.. Before the dawn..
Before the dawn.. Before the dawn..
내 마음만은 집착이 아니야 我不是只有執著的心
nae mameummaneun jibchaki aniya
Before the dawn.. Before the dawn..
Before the dawn.. Before the dawn..
널 반드시 꼭 잡아내고 싶어 無論如何都想要抓住你
neol bandeushi ggok jabanaego shipeo
사랑을 속삭이던 두 입술 맞다은 chance 닫히던 두 눈 講著愛的悄悄話 用雙唇接連著Chance閉上眼睛
sarangeul soksakeedeon du ipsul majdaeun chance dathideon du nun
자락을 피해 fly to the my heart I’ll be there by your side (huh) 受損的角落
jarakeul pihae fly to the my heart I ll be there by your side (huh)
난 그저 바라만 보다가 너를 맴돌다가 익숙해졌는데 거지같아 我如此期盼著 你依舊盤旋在我腦海裡 我就像乞丐一樣
nan gujeo baraman bodaga neoreul memdoldaga iksukhejyeotneunde geojigata
이젠 모든걸 놔주래 그게 답답해.. 그게 막막해.. 現在要放下一切 那樣的鬱悶 那樣的迷惘
ijen modeungeol nwajule geuge dabdabhae.. geuge makmakhae..
Why Why … Why Why … Why Why …
Why Why … Why Why … Why Why …
Before the dawn.. Before the dawn..
Before the dawn.. Before the dawn..
내 마음만은 집착이 아니야 我不是只有執著的心
nae mameummaneun jibchaki aniya
Before the dawn.. Before the dawn..
Before the dawn.. Before the dawn..
널 반드시 꼭 잡아내고 싶어 無論如何都想要抓住你
neol bandeushi ggok jabanaego shipeo
나도 모르게 니 그림자를 밟아 아마 나 점점 미쳐 가나봐 我不知不覺跟著你的影子 我可能會慢慢瘋掉
nado moreuge ni geurimjareul balpa ama na jeomjeom michyeo ganabwa
(Because I listen to my heart beat one by one)
(Because I listen to my heart beat one by one)
앞이 캄캄해진 내 눈은 오직 너 하나만 밝게 비춘다 我眼前一片漆黑 唯獨只有你能為我帶來光明
api kamkamhaejin nae nuneun ojik neo hanaman balge bichunda
(Because I listen to my heart heart heart)
(Because I listen to my heart heart heart)
Before the dawn (ye ye ye) Before the dawn (ye ye ye)
Before the dawn (ye ye ye) Before the dawn (ye ye ye)
더 늦기 전에 멈춰 세워줄게 在還沒有太晚之前要停下來啊
deo neujgi jeone meomchwo sewojulge
Before the dawn (ye ye ye) Before the dawn (ye ye ye)
Before the dawn (ye ye ye) Before the dawn (ye ye ye)
널 끝까지 꼭 가져가고 싶어 直到最後都想要得到你
neol ggeutggaji ggok gajyeogago shipeo
(Before the dawn)
(Before the dawn)
close your eye and close your mind 베일에 싸인 니 길에 蒙著面紗你的路
close your eye and close your mind beile ssain ni gile
마치 비밀에 갇힌 미래에 지킬래 놓치기 싫은 너기에 就像守護著被關在秘密裡的未來
machi bimile gadhin mireeh jikilae nohchigi silheun neogieh
이 길의 끝엔 you must love me 在這路的盡頭
ee gil eui you must love me
(Before the dawn.. Before the dawn..)
(Before the dawn.. Before the dawn..)
니가 가지 못하게 꽉 잡아 내가 울지 않게 널 붙잡아 不能讓你走 緊緊的抓住你 我不會哭著挽留你
niga gaji mothage ggwak jaba nega ulji anhge neol butjaba
니가 아무리 날 버리고 막아도 난 절대 널 놓치지 않아 無論你怎樣將我拋棄 我絕對不要失去你
niga amuri nal beorigo makado nan jeoldae neol nohchiji ahna
轉載請註明:Silvia &
‘Dream High’ to hold a special mini-concert episode with viewers
The cast of popular youth drama, ‘Dream High‘, will hold a special mini-concert with their viewers!
The mini-concert is actually part of the recording for a special episode, which will take place on February 24th at Goyang Aram Nuri theatre. Fans can expect to see Park Jin Young, Kang Oh Hyuk, Bae Suzy, Kim Soo Hyun, Ok Taecyeon, Ham Eun Jung, Jang Wooyoung, and IU at the event.
The actors/singers will perform the many songs from the drama, including “Winter Child“, “Someone’s Dream“, and “Dream High“. This event will also deliver behind-the-scenes cuts, which were never shown to the viewers.
Check back with allkpop for further updates on this interesting event!
溫流:KEY君也有認識的吧 這樣的人
溫流 KEY : 哈哈哈~~
溫流:我們開始爆料的吧 爆料
溫流 KEY:哈哈哈
KEY:唉呦~都不知道他一天丟幾次手機 真是的
溫流:這個 像是上了一趟廁所回來 要不就是出去一會 或是在床上待著一下子
KEY:我們總是幫他找 所以就成了習慣
KEY:1 2 3
溫流 KEY:李泰民~~
KEY:豪言壯志的說了 往裡面放了什麼調味料來著?蜂蜜
溫流:放了蜂蜜 還有各種調味料
KEY:是的 是第一次煮!!
溫流:所以 說要給我們煮很美味的拉麵 雖然吃著不是很好吃
KEY:不管怎樣 意圖是好的
KEY:是的 我覺得他是位非常了不起的人
KEY:幾年前泰民君 泰民君也是第一次看到那麼圓圓的震動的機器
他問我這是什麼 我就告訴他 如果不及時去取咖啡這個會爆炸 他真的相信了
KEY:對 地雷
溫流 KEY:哈哈哈
KEY:跟他說這個生氣了會爆炸 他真的相信了 那時他還小學6年級吧!!
其實來源有提到4則 不過有一則以向key葵的能力時在是有點難以理解 請原諒我無能(跪)
從這些對話中 可以看出哥哥們其實都很疼愛忙內泰民啊!!
但是他們還是把泰民煮的拉麵都吃下去 而且常常在幫忙泰民找手機
畢竟出道時年紀都還小 團員間的感情一定更加深厚
泰民出道時也才國中啊 身為哥哥們 對他一定是疼愛有加 (雖然KEY騙了他)
相信未來的日子裡 忙內泰民也會繼續得到哥哥們的寵愛的
但是 泰民君 千萬不要再叫哥哥們幫你找手機了 KEY是不會幫你的(誤)
JYP方面對作曲家兼歌手朴振英作曲作詞、IU演唱的歌曲“Some Day”抄襲爭議一事發表看法,表達了遺憾的心情。
最近KBS電視臺的電視劇“Dream High”的OST歌曲“Some Day”,因與歌手Ash于2005年10月發表的“給我的男人”高潮部分旋律相似,而被捲入了剽竊風波。相反,人們指出“Some Day”的節奏比“給我的男人”快。
對此,JYP方面於29日下午對Star News表示:“這件事發生後,我們今天聽了‘給我的男人’,確實有些地方相似。但是這些和弦和旋律是大眾音樂中普遍使用的。”
另一方面,Star News也與金信日通了電話,他說:“事實上,我還沒有聽過‘Some Day’。聽了之後,我會(對是否抄襲)表明自己的立場。”
Ash的to my man和IU的Some day
圖片/消息來源:Star News,allkpop,kpoppark
俺 管他抄襲不抄襲的
KARA’s Japanese concert tickets sell out in ten seconds
The popularity in Japan of girl group KARA, currently overcoming a threat of a split, is seemingly becoming more grounded.
A concert event in
This concert event is the ‘2011 Universal Dream Live’ that will be held in the Universal Studio of Osaka, Japan. It is an event where celebrities belonging to the Universal company will be holding a concert from the 19th to the 21st of March. KARA will be standing on the stage on the 20th, as well as B2ST and G.NA, who are both planning to advance into the Japanese market.
As of this moment, KARA’s popularity in Japan is beyond conception. Local officials’ explanation is that KARA is the hotspot of issues and popularity in the Japanese music world.
On the other hand, the conflict between KARA’s company DSPMedia and the 3 members of KARA (Han Seungyeon, Jung Nicole, and Kang Jiyoung) has been partially worked out, with the compromise decided during the meeting on the 27th of January, that KARA’s previously scheduled events in Japan and Korea will be carried out with the whole group. The possibility of the team staying together as well as problems with the contract of the company will be discussed in the future.
哇~ !
Krystal and Leeteuk to get married?
Super Junior’s Leeteuk revealed that he had once received f(x) Krystal’s consent for her hand in marriage.
On the 30th, both
While heading to their rehearsal, Leeteuk asked Krystal, “Why did you choose me as your duet partner? Is it because you wanted to win, or because you promised to get married to me a long time ago?”
Leeteuk then reminisced back the day they first met and continued, “Didn’t you like it when I asked you to come get married to me?” To everyone’s amusement, Krystal replied, “At the time, I was scared of you so I just replied like that.”
Krystal then shot back at Leeteuk, saying “At the time, I said that I’d get married to all of the oppas in the company. One of them even kissed me,” leading to Leeteuk’s shocked expression on screen.
What do you guys think of their pairing?
blogger cheap
2011年1月30日 星期日
01/31~02/06 韓流資訊
親愛的讀者們啊妞 ^_____^ 又到了我們播報韓流資訊的時間囉!
2. 水樹奈奈最新演唱會DVD「NANA MIZUKI LIVE GAMES X ACADEMY」介紹!演唱會精彩畫面播送!
3. THE KIDDIE最新作品「BRAVE NEW WORLD」介紹!海報無料大放送!
4. SHINee WORLD演唱會週邊秀給你看!
5. F.CUZ 韓國精彩專訪畫面播送!
6. w-inds.最新單曲「Be As One/Let’s get it on」介紹!日版單曲無料放送!
7. 傑尼斯演唱會DVD大集合!「NEWS 2010 巨蛋派對演唱會 LIVE! LIVE! LIVE! DVD!」、「KAT-TUN -NO MORE PAIИ- 2010世界巡迴演唱會」介紹!演唱會精彩畫面播送!
8. 除夕特別企劃!建國100年 百年好聲為大家獻聲啦!日韓經典好聲TOP25揭曉!
9. 大年初一特別企劃!不想出門受風寒,在家看DVD就對了!日韓2010發行精采DVD誠意推薦!
10. 初二特別企劃!日韓音樂瘋年度最強人氣銷售排行!進榜5週以上的日韓作品完整報導!

時間:01/31 (一) ~ 02/04 (五) 18:00 首播 / 隔日凌晨2點&中午12點重播
內容:2010 MTV 韓國人氣 LIVE!
少女時代、Super Junior K.R.Y、2PM、2AM、ZE:A帝國之子、BEAST、T-ARA、After School、MBLAQ、4MINUTE、F(X)、Rainbow、SECRET…等當紅偶像陪你過好年!
內容:巨星特輯:SHINee – LUCIFER電視特輯 (重播)
時間:2011/01/31 (一) 12:00
內容:2010MTV 韓國暢囂Top 50 #5
時間:2011/01/31 (一) 18:00
內容:2010MTV 韓國人氣LIVE! (人氣偶像)
時間:2011/02/01 (二) 02:00
內容:2010MTV 韓國人氣LIVE! (人氣偶像)
時間:2011/02/01 (二) 12:00
內容:2010MTV 韓國人氣LIVE! (人氣偶像) (重播)
時間:2011/02/01 (二) 18:00
內容:2010MTV 韓國人氣LIVE! (女力萬歲)
時間:2011/02/02 (三) 02:00
內容:2010MTV 韓國人氣LIVE! (女力萬歲)
時間:2011/02/02 (三) 10:00
內容:S.M. THE BALLAD電視特輯
時間:2011/02/02 (三) 10:30
時間:2011/02/02 (三) 12:00
內容:2010MTV 韓國人氣LIVE! (女力萬歲) (重播)
時間:2011/02/02 (三) 18:00
內容:2010MTV 韓國人氣LIVE! (動人情歌)
時間:2011/02/02 (三) 23:00
時間:2011/02/03 (四) 02:00
內容:2010MTV 韓國人氣LIVE! (動人情歌)
時間:2011/02/03 (四) 12:00
內容:2010MTV 韓國人氣LIVE! (動人情歌) (重播)
時間:2011/02/03 (四) 18:00
內容:2010MTV 韓國人氣LIVE! (舞王尬舞后)
時間:2011/02/03 (四) 23:00
內容:SHINee – Hello電視特輯
時間:2011/02/04 (五) 00:00
時間:2011/02/04 (五) 02:00
內容:2010MTV 韓國人氣LIVE! (舞王尬舞后)
時間:2011/02/04 (五) 12:00
內容:2010MTV 韓國人氣LIVE! (舞王尬舞后) (重播)
時間:2011/02/04 (五) 18:00
內容:2010MTV 韓國人氣LIVE! (偶像天團PK)
時間:2011/02/04 (五) 23:00
時間:2011/02/05 (六) 02:00
內容:2010MTV 韓國人氣LIVE! (偶像天團PK)
時間:2011/02/06 (日) 10:00
Happy Birthday!
時間:01/31 (一)
時間:02/02 (三)
是誰:f(x) Victoria、Secret Zinger、簡美妍、韓佳人
時間:02/03 (四)
是誰:JQT 朴敏貞、miss A 孟佳、Super Junior 圭賢、T-MAX 金俊
時間:02/04 (五)
是誰:F.CUZ YeJun
時間:02/06 (日)
是誰:東方神起 允浩
1. 日韓搞什麼?!2010百首金曲票選結果出爐!2010日韓最夯歌曲TOP5揭曉!2. 水樹奈奈最新演唱會DVD「NANA MIZUKI LIVE GAMES X ACADEMY」介紹!演唱會精彩畫面播送!
3. THE KIDDIE最新作品「BRAVE NEW WORLD」介紹!海報無料大放送!
4. SHINee WORLD演唱會週邊秀給你看!
5. F.CUZ 韓國精彩專訪畫面播送!
6. w-inds.最新單曲「Be As One/Let’s get it on」介紹!日版單曲無料放送!
7. 傑尼斯演唱會DVD大集合!「NEWS 2010 巨蛋派對演唱會 LIVE! LIVE! LIVE! DVD!」、「KAT-TUN -NO MORE PAIИ- 2010世界巡迴演唱會」介紹!演唱會精彩畫面播送!
8. 除夕特別企劃!建國100年 百年好聲為大家獻聲啦!日韓經典好聲TOP25揭曉!
9. 大年初一特別企劃!不想出門受風寒,在家看DVD就對了!日韓2010發行精采DVD誠意推薦!
10. 初二特別企劃!日韓音樂瘋年度最強人氣銷售排行!進榜5週以上的日韓作品完整報導!
時間:01/31 (一) ~ 02/04 (五) 18:00 首播 / 隔日凌晨2點&中午12點重播
內容:2010 MTV 韓國人氣 LIVE!
少女時代、Super Junior K.R.Y、2PM、2AM、ZE:A帝國之子、BEAST、T-ARA、After School、MBLAQ、4MINUTE、F(X)、Rainbow、SECRET…等當紅偶像陪你過好年!
時間:2011/01/31 (一) 03:00內容:巨星特輯:SHINee – LUCIFER電視特輯 (重播)
時間:2011/01/31 (一) 12:00
內容:2010MTV 韓國暢囂Top 50 #5
時間:2011/01/31 (一) 18:00
內容:2010MTV 韓國人氣LIVE! (人氣偶像)
時間:2011/02/01 (二) 02:00
內容:2010MTV 韓國人氣LIVE! (人氣偶像)
時間:2011/02/01 (二) 12:00
內容:2010MTV 韓國人氣LIVE! (人氣偶像) (重播)
時間:2011/02/01 (二) 18:00
內容:2010MTV 韓國人氣LIVE! (女力萬歲)
時間:2011/02/02 (三) 02:00
內容:2010MTV 韓國人氣LIVE! (女力萬歲)
時間:2011/02/02 (三) 10:00
內容:S.M. THE BALLAD電視特輯
時間:2011/02/02 (三) 10:30
時間:2011/02/02 (三) 12:00
內容:2010MTV 韓國人氣LIVE! (女力萬歲) (重播)
時間:2011/02/02 (三) 18:00
內容:2010MTV 韓國人氣LIVE! (動人情歌)
時間:2011/02/02 (三) 23:00
時間:2011/02/03 (四) 02:00
內容:2010MTV 韓國人氣LIVE! (動人情歌)
時間:2011/02/03 (四) 12:00
內容:2010MTV 韓國人氣LIVE! (動人情歌) (重播)
時間:2011/02/03 (四) 18:00
內容:2010MTV 韓國人氣LIVE! (舞王尬舞后)
時間:2011/02/03 (四) 23:00
內容:SHINee – Hello電視特輯
時間:2011/02/04 (五) 00:00
時間:2011/02/04 (五) 02:00
內容:2010MTV 韓國人氣LIVE! (舞王尬舞后)
時間:2011/02/04 (五) 12:00
內容:2010MTV 韓國人氣LIVE! (舞王尬舞后) (重播)
時間:2011/02/04 (五) 18:00
內容:2010MTV 韓國人氣LIVE! (偶像天團PK)
時間:2011/02/04 (五) 23:00
時間:2011/02/05 (六) 02:00
內容:2010MTV 韓國人氣LIVE! (偶像天團PK)
時間:2011/02/06 (日) 10:00
目前暫無藝人訪台時間:01/31 (一)
時間:02/02 (三)
是誰:f(x) Victoria、Secret Zinger、簡美妍、韓佳人
時間:02/03 (四)
是誰:JQT 朴敏貞、miss A 孟佳、Super Junior 圭賢、T-MAX 金俊
時間:02/04 (五)
是誰:F.CUZ YeJun
時間:02/06 (日)
是誰:東方神起 允浩
Who is 4minute’s ideal man?
4minute’s new reality show, “Mr. Teacher“, recently aired its second episode, in which the girls played a round of ”Ideal Type World Cup” to find 4minute’s ideal guy!
The candidates were all worthy, but there could only be one ideal man! Here’s the breakdown of the brackets:
Round 1: Big Bang’s G-Dragon vs. JYJ’s Yoochun
→ Winner: Yoochun (5 votes) - Apparently the girls were huge fans of “Sunkyungwan Scandal” and stayed up to the late hours in order to watch it!
Round 2: Super Junior’s Leeteuk vs. TVXQ’s Changmin
→ Winner: Leeteuk (5 votes)
Round 3: 2PM’s Taecyeon vs. Big Bang’s Taeyang
→ Winner: Taeyang (3 votes)
Round 4: Yoochun vs. Leeteuk
→ Winner: Yoochun (5 votes)
Round 5: Taeyang vs. SHINee’s Key
→ Winner: Key (4 votes)
Round 6: 2PM’s Junho vs. SHINee’s Onew
→ Winner: Onew (4 votes) – The girls love his voice and his adorable eye-smile!
Round 7: Yoochun vs. Key
→ Winner: Yoochun (3 votes)
Round 8: Onew vs. 2PM’s Wooyoung
→ Winner: Onew (4 votes)
Final Round: Yoochun vs. Onew
→ Winner: Yoochun (4 votes)
Tip: Suzy Kim
在去年少女時代上金希澈的young street時,有一個環節是要少時問其他藝人朋友們,自己與什麼動物長的相像呢?!

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前兩個還滿像的!! 不過申英ONNI 你竟然說太妍長得像翼龍XD快笑死我了!!
看完了!!大家學的有像嗎~~ 還是覺得其他動物更適合呢??來源:少時百度吧/
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