We’re planned to release BIGBANG’s Mini 4th Album on the upcoming 24th February.
The album will be called
Exclude the Intro there are 6 title songs in BIGBANG’s 4th mini album, and there’s plan to promote all the 6 songs equally.
Music producers might have heard about ‘Triple title songs’ but to have 6 songs as the title songs, this must be the first time, and I hope everyone could understand this. There are a lot of difficulities with having more than one song as a title song, for example the large sum of money needed to make the MVs, the time pressure is also big. And according to the public’s point of view, if we didn’t make a favorable song the song won’t do well in the public charts, and from the musician’s point of view this kind of action is intolerable either.
From 4 main TV music program, three of them are chart programs, and even if we released three title songs we want our songs in the high rank in the chart, the reason is because of the difficulities that we need to get through in order to fulfill the broadcasting company’s requirements.
But we’ve gone through that phase now, and the reason is because rather than their desire to be number one BIGBANG have bigger desire to show their various music styles.
-BIGBANG Mini 4th Album
1. BB (Intro) - Written by: GD, TOP, Taeyang, Daesung, Seungri / Composed by: GD, TOP / Arranged by: E.Knock
2. Returning Boomerang (Title Song) - Written by: GD, TOP / Composed by: GD, Teddy / Arranged by: Teddy
3. Oh-eh-oh (Title Song) - Written by: GD, TOP / Composed by: GD / Arranged by: E.Knock
4. Decision (Title Song) - Written by: GD, TOP / Composed by: GD / Arranged by: GD, Teddy
5. You? (Title Song) - Written by: GD, TOP / Composed by: TOP / Arranged by: TOP, E.Knock
6. Different (Title Song) - Written by: GD / Composed by: GD / Arranged by: GD
7. 주1회드립 엿먹어 (Title Song) - Written, Composed by: GD, TOP, Taeyang, Daesung, Seungri / Arranged by: G.D
Source: DCTOP/퇴비
Translated by: Winalicious@BigBangVIP.net
Note: The original source was supposedly from ygelife but cant be found but dctop is a trustworthy source that’s why BigBangVIP.net posted it.